Thursday, February 21, 2008

Scientific Activities

I was so excited about the total lunar eclipse and so last night we observed the eclipse from our window on the east side. It was beautiful, astounding and indeed "awesome!" The bad thing is we didn't set up our telescope. I really wished I can see it closer when it happened. I love watching the stars too especially on the beach where they look big.

I've learned that Hawaii has fantastic places to do astronomy.

There are natural advantages for astronomy and geophysics with Hawaii's two mountain peaks at nearly 14,000 feet above sea level, clear air, mid-ocean location, proximity to the equator, diverse terrain, and weather.

The summit of Mauna Kea is the best site in the world for ground-based astronomical observations.

Entities operating telescopes: University of Hawaii, University of California,California Institute of Technology, NASA, Canada, France, United Kingdom, Netherlands, Japan, Chile, Argentina and Brazil.

The 10-meter Keck telescope constructed by the University of California and the California Institute of Technology is the world's largest.

Another major research agency is the U.S. Geological Survey's world renowned Hawaiian Volcanoes Observatory, Kilauea Crater.

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