Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Quick Facts About Hawaii

Nickname: The Aloha State
Capital: Honolulu (Oahu)
Population: 1,285,498
Area Code: 808 (In between island you must dial a 1-then 808 plus the number. Same with calling to the main land. It's local.)
Highest elevation: Maunakea, 13,796 feet (located in Hawaii's Big Island)
Currency: US Dollar

Flower: Yellow Hibiscus
Tree: Kukui (Candlenut tree)
Bird: Nene (Hawaiian goose)
Fish: Humuhumunukunukuapua'a (Reef triggerfish)

Temperature: High and Low
January to April 81 66
May to August 86 72
September to December 85 70
Average 84 69

Time Zone: Standard Time is GMT - 10. Hawaii doesn't observe daylight savings time. Hawaiian time is

2 hours behind Pacific Standard Time
5 hours behind Eastern Standard Time
4 hours behind Central Standard Time

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